Revitalisation of Blue House Cluster into Viva Blue House
活化藍屋建築群 -
“We” 嘩藍屋

Project in collaboration with +LWK & Partners

Grade 1 Historic Building 一級歷史建築

Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔

Use 用途
Residential & Institutional 住宅及機構
Client 客戶
St. James' Settlement 聖雅各福群會
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Executive Architect, Design Architect, Heritage Consultant
執行建築師, 設計建築師, 保育顧問
Project Status 項目進度
Completed in 2017 已於2017年完成

  • Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (Batch II)
    活化歷史建築伙伴計劃 (第二期)
  • Revitalisation and Conversion of existing school building into an exhibition venue and F&B outlets


Blue House Cluster-1
Blue House Cluster-2
Blue House Cluster-3
Blue House Cluster-4
Blue House Cluster-5
Blue House Cluster-6
Blue House Cluster-7
Blue House Cluster-8

Blue House Clusters-1